Slip Me

Embrace me as I graduate from high school, as I will miss all of you dearly. I truly enjoyed my experience with all of you, and will remember it forever more.
"Slip me" -Best Senior Quote Ever
by Vapey McDoucheface November 1, 2019
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Slipped me the fish

Gave someone something that didn't work properly. Typically used in engineering conversations.
"Damn, Jack, You slipped me the fish on this FPGA load!"

"Jim slipped me the fish on this PCB layout, he didn't use enough bypass capacitors."

"Those software guys slipped me the fish. their crap doesn't work, as usual."
by Randiesel March 4, 2022
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Slipped me a crippler

To get passed duff information that causes severe embarrassment.
by Ralph King October 16, 2008
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When a person tries to trick or fool someone with obvious false information that is immediately proved to be a ruse. This originated from a slippery banana peel unfurled on the ground that is commonly seen in Nintendo’s “Mario Kart”.
Keith: Hey Ryan, your car is getting towed!
Ryan: No it’s not. I can see my car out the window. Pshhh! Don’t try to slip me with the banana peel!
by Walk Daddy Dolla$ June 27, 2018
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slip me some skin

A phrase used to invite someone to have your hand (usually placed waist-high and palm-up) to be slapped.
by AbnormalBoy November 17, 2004
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slip me some tongue

to french kiss someone, hence 'slip some tongue' into their mouth.
Jerry: Hey, Emile, slip me some tongue.
Emile: Alright, fairy.
by alekzandre February 23, 2014
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