4 definitions by Randiesel

When you are busy working on your computer and someone Skypes you and derails your train of thought.
"Damn! Jack just Skypeterrupted me!"
by Randiesel December 5, 2018
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Gave someone something that didn't work properly. Typically used in engineering conversations.
"Damn, Jack, You slipped me the fish on this FPGA load!"

"Jim slipped me the fish on this PCB layout, he didn't use enough bypass capacitors."

"Those software guys slipped me the fish. their crap doesn't work, as usual."
by Randiesel March 4, 2022
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A particularly inept manager who has beady eyes like a mole and tiny short arms like an alligator, which he flails about when conducting a meeting.
Hey, Jack! Today the Moligator asked me "Do you have that thing you're working on done yet?".

I asked him "What thing?" and he replied, "You know, that thing you're working on."


by Randiesel July 27, 2022
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