a well known deviant, from the UK, who makes funny flashes about anime and harry potter, and various other things...
(found on deviantart)
(found on deviantart)
by thecatofdeath487 November 7, 2009
More actively creepy than a lurker, yet less malicious than a legit creeper. The slinker is the basically the Vanilla Coke of the Three Stages of Creeping (where the lurker is Diet Coke and the creeper is a Coke and Rum spiked with a roofie).
The slinker is prone to hovering, staring, and awkward flirting, yet will never force a girl into hooking up. When spurned by a prospect, which is often, the slinker will simply slink off into a corner to sulk, rather than increasing his creeper agenda--that is, until he finds a new prospect. Although generally doomed to a series of epic fails, the slinker occasionally scores big.
A slinker, with intensive therapy, may become a normal human being, while creepers are beyond all hope.
The slinker is prone to hovering, staring, and awkward flirting, yet will never force a girl into hooking up. When spurned by a prospect, which is often, the slinker will simply slink off into a corner to sulk, rather than increasing his creeper agenda--that is, until he finds a new prospect. Although generally doomed to a series of epic fails, the slinker occasionally scores big.
A slinker, with intensive therapy, may become a normal human being, while creepers are beyond all hope.
Many of the little misfits on The Pick-Up Artist may be considered slinkers....whereas Mystery, the host, is a straight up creeper.
by jsg0603 December 3, 2008
Adjective. Someone who is a waste of human skin. Derived from the phrase " Some folks are like Slinkys... They are not good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."
That babe is a total slinker. She's banging fifteen other guys, and tells each one they are "the only one".
by RobH October 14, 2005
by timothytj1 June 6, 2016
n: a person who slowly blinks. Synonymous to a sleeping person aka a slinker.
When a person starts to slowly blink - they become a slinker.
Sometimes may be used in a derogatory sence when a person sleeps too much.
When a person starts to slowly blink - they become a slinker.
Sometimes may be used in a derogatory sence when a person sleeps too much.
by Vitali April 17, 2006
Guy1”oh shit it’s that kid” guy2”oh fuck it’s landan Slinker shit run” popular bitch girl (Parker) “ OH FUCK A GINGER FUCK HES UGLY SKSKSK” guy 1”Parker’s a bitch” guy 2 “well so it Landan slinker
by Itscamtheman November 5, 2019
Be aware of the teagan slinker.
by teaganslinkerhater November 25, 2021