- When you lean on your arm until you have a dead arm then masterbate so it feels like someone else is doing it for you.

- A term used on the inbetweeners to describe the same thing.
- I got bored of wanking myself off so i just do a sleeping beauty it feels better.

- Quote from the inbetweeners, 'my brother made it up!'
by Josiphh April 16, 2009
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The sleeping beauty is where you and your partner fall asleep with the males dick inside the female’s vagina
Hey Christian, Susie and I did the sleeping beauty last night!
by WacklesTheClown June 6, 2021
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to sit on your hand for around 10-20 mins until its fully dead, then when you wank feels like someone else is doing it for you.
tried that sleeping beauty thing last night, it was great
by sam69!!... April 18, 2009
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The action of taking a toke and proceeding to exhale in another’s mouth while they’re sleeping to awake them.
“Yo, let’s wake collin up with a sleeping beauty
by ShibuiPerk October 14, 2022
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While a person is yawning or snoring, insert your penis into their mouth.
I gave her a sleeping beauty last night and she totally went for it, it's so retarded it has to work!
by Lesbionical January 28, 2011
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When you take a picture of someone that normally looks beautiful while they are sleeping then post it on social media and it makes them look ugly or bad because they drool or for other reasons.
Did you see that sleeping beauty that Johnny posted
by The Killer Burger July 13, 2017
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Refers to the Sleeping Beauty Diet.

1. Adj. The description of individual who sleeps to avoid eating or hunger, typically anorexics.
2. N. An action done by these individuals.
She was supposed to meet me at 5, but pulled a sleeping beauty to avoid dinner.
She is such a sleeping beauty, so thin and frail. She probably hasn't eaten in days.
by bunnysparrow January 31, 2018
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