A total fuckwit, everyone hates him. He has No cock. He won’t kiss a girl until hes at least 60 and never lose his verginity.
Slade is a fuck
by Deegod June 4, 2020
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The bands mispelled song titles purposefully, drugs or not, I don't know
Ray: Why do Slade mispell their song titles?
Nathan: They did that purposefully, it was either under drugs, or just did it purposefully
Ray: Easy enough
by Zwoo June 3, 2007
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Talks about dog with a messed up eye
He was being a Slade at school
by Fdffghh March 11, 2019
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A usually tall, slim, very loud person. Great style, but only pulls young, hoe'ish girls with no class and or good looks. Also has one huge testical due to an encounter with a "dirty girl". If you ever have the oppritunity to see a "Slade" i suggest you run very far away, because he might bum a cigerette off of you...
by JandT November 5, 2010
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A kept man. A man who carries his wife's purse. A man who curls his wife's hair, etc.
by iamnobojackson May 9, 2011
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