by DickardG July 30, 2004
The act of sexual intercoure while the female specimen is on back with her feet next to her head. The male then dominates the woman like he is He-Man and she is his arch nemesis Skelator and yells in a leprachaun/evil voice SKELATOR. Then she screams like the bitch she is as Skelator screamed his dieing words in his defeat to He-Man
by Vince March 22, 2003
by Jay Raymond :D August 2, 2008
a very tall and boney man resembling the arch enemy of He-Man. Skelator is 6'7 or above and looks like he has been doing hardcore drugs. He usually doesn't have the curtesy to tell you he has a girlfriend and will try to show up to your birthday party with the excuse, "You never asked".
by SnugMama November 1, 2010
So tweaked out that meth whore looks like Skelator. we told her to close her legs but they wouldn’t touch.
by Boo Haula February 21, 2019