silly goofy mood

When someone is acting/thinking spontaneously about something silly or goofy (could be deadly serious)
Friend: Oh Janelle, why are you in such a silly goofy mood?
Janelle: I slay all day bestie ahahahahahaha
by sammy198 January 18, 2022
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silly goofy mood

When someone is being an absolute quirky baddie 🤪
Person 1: Sorry guys I'm just in a silly goofy mood 🤪🤪
Person 2: its ok bestay its ok to let ur goofy side show 🤪❤❤
by the quirkiest baddie October 31, 2021
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silly goofy goose

when you are just so gosh darn silly and goofy that you can be compared to that of a goose.
Ted: you know, he sure is a silly goofy goose...
Garold: who wiggs?
Mr.Wiggs: yes me ofc I'm the silly goofy goose
by Shhhhhh :) March 22, 2022
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Silly goofy mood

When someone is horny but not horny enough to act on it
"Sorry, I'm just in a silly goofy mood right now"
by Goofycat March 18, 2023
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silly goofy mood day

october 5th is just in a silly goofy mood.
hey jenalle! todays silly goofy mood day
i love slayer!
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Silly ah Goofy ah truth

The belief in which following Silly ah Goofy ah truth you will gain true peace and will then learn the truth and all problems will be solved as you ascend to the great Silly ah Goofy ah heavens above.
Do you believe in Silly ah Goofy ah truth?
by BIGTONKABURGER June 7, 2022
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Silly goofy

It’s kind of like when someone makes a joke and you don’t know how to respond so you just say “haha, that’s so silly goofy
“Hey, why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!”

“That’s so silly goofy omg!”
by saganistute September 1, 2023
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