Originally it was a derogatory term used by Basra's people to refer to the gypsies and the swamps people, but it has become well-know in all of Iraq and Kurdistan after the 70's.

is a slur in the Iraqi dialect of Arabic which means scum people with uncivilized or malicious behaviour, and most of them are involved in terrorist militias, drug trafficking and illegal activities such as oil smuggling, they are known as thieves, Arabs are not allowed to mate with them because of their inferior genes or something like that.

shroogs cannot create a civilized place. They pollute every spot they set foot in like a virus.

They are also hated by Iraqis because of their bad behavior and their ugly appearance.

It's part of their culture to not be functioning members of society, hence they cannot be assimilated, Lower caste shroogs live off welfare for their 15 children, stealing or begging.

Higher cast shroogs engage in organized crime, and they are mostly pimps or prostitution.

It is not uncommon for shroogs to split into clans and kill each other in broad daylight, much to the dismay of police officers who cannot contain their autistic shitflinging.

Shroogs have no sense of fashion nor taste in music and no eye for beauty. They indulge in kitsch of the highest order for example, Zuhair Al-Atwani's videos which became internationally known memes.
Iraq dude: a fucking shroogi stole my BMX.
by Baghdad1991 June 23, 2023
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a person who is from countryside of southern Iraq especially from the marshes of Mesopotamia around the cities of Basra, Amarah and Nasiriyah. It's considered a racist word mainly used by Bedouin tribes, Baghdadis and Sunni Arabs of Iraq.

Bedouins look down on the peasants of southern Iraq in cause they are on the shia sect and their profession in cultivating the land, Bedouins believe that peasants are Lowly people and don't deserve the respect, they also deny their Arab ancestry.

in Iraqi Arabic it literally means "the easterners".
person 1: man, are you shroogi?

person 2: what is "shroogi"?
by SomeIraqi December 14, 2021
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A slur referring to an individual from southeastern Iraq, specifically east of the Tigris River. In recent times, It's carries a racial connotation, akin to the usage of the 'white trash' in the United States. However, some shroogis embrace it as a form of ethnic pride.
I am shroogi,
I, who pride in myself without pretense,

I, who've held onto my true essence, Unchanged in character, rooted in my heritage,

I am shroogi, I am shroogi.
by Iraqi_Proletarian October 8, 2023
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The supreme breed of Man. The epitome of masculinity and perfection personified. All masculine traits are embodied in the figure of a Shroogi. He effortlessly combines the attributes of physical prowess, strength, resilience, honor, as well as hardened determination in the face of lowlifes, especially other inferior races, such as the zagroosi mountain goat.

A Shroogi is a warrior breed who inhabits the Land of Mesopotamia, the Cradle of Civilization, and whose mission in life is to get rid of bums whose breaths stink like mountain goat excrement and believe in imaginary countries.

As a result of his supreme visage and presence, the Shroogi naturally commands respect and admiration from those around him, however, at times, the occasional lazy-eyed zagroosi mountain goat might try to rebel against his master (the Shroogi) but luckily, he is extremely efficient in exterminating such rodents and has realized that the most efficient way to get rid of such creatures is by using a special kind of gas.
Oliver: Oi lad, look! There goes Amir Albazi, the flyweight champion of the UFC!
George: Yeah, I know. He's a real Shroogi.
by SargonOfAkkad June 19, 2024
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