Short king

A term of endearment for men under 5’9. Many use it for their favorite male celebrity/youtuber/etc who are under 5’9.Popularized by cody ko and Noel Miller in their videos. Short King and manlet aren’t interchangeable. Manlet is more of an insult towards short men in general or for short men who are insecure about their height and try to make up for it by acting more masculine(like body building and lifting)
Cody ko is such a short king!”
“ I know right? Short kings only”
by Byebyenine September 5, 2019
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Short Kings

They are below 5’5 but are packing a whol third leg down in their pp area.
by Elben Lord October 10, 2022
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Short king

The best of men, most of whom end up becoming ruthless dictators.
by Elshort November 1, 2022
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short king

A term used by manlets to cope with being assigned a sissy beta male role at birth.
by 'rift April 19, 2023
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A Short-King is someone who is below 6 foot tall and deserves praise as a king, i.e ludwig, MoistCritikal and cody co
"we stan a Short-King."
by SoftwareTaco October 2, 2022
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short king

A short king is a term made popular by Cody Ko and Noel Miller to describe a short boy who has an inflated ego despite lack of stature. A short king will usually have a very sarcastic sense of humor and feels the need to prove himself as an Alpha despite being two feet tall. Short kings are 5'9'' and under.
Short King: "Should I go talk to Chad for you? I can convince him to come over here."
Friend of Short King: "Please don't Short King this up!"
by mnema geoff October 18, 2018
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Short king

Ideal height for men and women in Great Britain 2019
Published by Statista Research Department, Nov 26, 2021

According to a survey conducted by Ipsos, the perfect height for men, according to 22 percent of survey participants in Great Britain, was between 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 1 inch. As for women, 21 percent of respondents stated that the ideal height for a woman should be between 5 feet 5 inches and 5 feet 9 inches.
Characteristic Men Women
Less than 5' 1% 1%
5'1 to 5'4 2% 13%
5'5 to 5'9 8% 21%
5'10 to 6'1 22% 5%
6'2 or above 9% 0%
No opinion 58% 59
Statistics facts vs american ignorante of working class Who data that 6ft Is minimal valute or idiot like MMA Geoff .
5under 5ft 9 bad

5ft9 6ft1 Ideal

5ft11 or so value Ideal

Over 6ft3 too tall
Source statista
Published by Statista Research Department, Nov 26, 2021

According to survey results by Ipsos in Serbia, the height 5'5 to 5'9 feet is ranked as the perfect female height by the majority of respondents (67 percent). The ideal male height for almost half of respondents was in the range from 5 foot 10 inches to 6 foot one. The shortest height rated for males overall was 5 foot 5 inches
Also in Serbia Ideal Is 5ft11 or so not 6ft2 and minimal value Is 5ft 9, therefore short king and giraffe su@@@@ average Is Better, like Brad Pitt or George Clooney

Source statista
Mmea Geoff Who include 5ft 9 in s king Is ridicolous ahahah
Short king no
by Sedorf1995 February 11, 2022
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