somebody in a wheel chair
by heterophobicraginghomosexual July 20, 2022
A shopping cart is, to the untrained eye, a device for holding your groceries. But, to a skateboarder, a shopping cart is an obstacle you can ollie over, grind, and ride in. To find an abandoned one of these is like finding a ticket to FUN!
by Ricky Benda May 27, 2005
1. The giant basket on wheels that your mother pushes around the food that she had better be cooking later that nght.
Chuck: My wife just went to the store, apparently she filled her shopping cart.
Mark: Damn man you are going to be eating a lot tonight.
Chuck: Damn right I am, I will maker her cook it all.
Mark: Damn man you are going to be eating a lot tonight.
Chuck: Damn right I am, I will maker her cook it all.
by buddhaman11 January 9, 2011
by loveinthesunlight February 8, 2015
a girl(or catcher in a gay relationship) wears roller skates on both hands and feet. The guy then pounds her from behind while pushing her around like a shopping cart.
by AwesomeMcSaint April 17, 2008
Dance technique adopted by most white, male teenagers that requires very little rhythm and coordination, but still comes off as looking funny and novel enough not to immediately take them out of contention with the better looking women at a club or a party. The shopping cart is peformed by placing one arm out in front of you, as if guiding an imaginary "cart," while with the other you branch out and clench a fist to any random area above your waist, as if "taking groceries of the shelf." In most cases, men who utilize the shopping cart can get a laugh, but those who use it generally are not the ones scoring with the chicks later. Has been a cornerstone of the white male teenager's limited dance repetoire for almost a decade.
"Ethan, afraid of losing Emily to the latino boy break dancing over on the opposite end of the gymnasium, acted quickly and busted out the shopping cart, which made Emily laugh. He quickly poured her some punch, complimented her on her eyes, and persuaded her to go out and get some fresh air. Without the shopping cart, he'd have to subject himself to talking with a butterface like Brenda."
by Nick February 5, 2004
by FuckFuckTrolololololololStupid July 15, 2012