The act of smoking a tabbaco product like a ciggarette, cigar or pipe, whilst taking a round on the crapper.
Oi mate, what are ye doin'
I'm shit-smoking bruv.
by TheMasterWorderWorldMan February 4, 2022
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The stream of hot air that comes out of your ass after taking a reasonably sized shit. Not to be confused with a Fart.
"Dude i just took a huge comes the shit smoke!
by D-T Slim March 1, 2010
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Smoking crystalmeth, smoking shit.
we went to the house an started smoking shit
by S. 22nd street October 18, 2006
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An insult which infers that the person likes to suck cocks and fuck assholes.
Give me back my money, you cock-smoking shit-dick!
by Jennifiend April 13, 2007
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