Is when you men to do a big fart and shit blows out your butt and seeps through your boxers and stains your paints
In school at the lunch line the mother fucker in front of me ,Shit Blow,ed and it got all over my shoe. OR My dog "Shit Blow" and got on my C19
by JLKKLJJLK May 30, 2010
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Meaning it’s annoying when the thing described in the sentence happened
Person A: looking in the fridge and there’s no milk after i already poured my cereal is so annoying. Person B: Yeah that shit blows
by NotKG8 August 10, 2021
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A 90's alternative rock band led by frontman Darius Rucker characterized by songs that all sound exactly the same with no discernible words, vowel sounds and guttural noises.
"You catch that Pootie and the Blow Shits concert last night? I fucking love that A-E-I-O-U song!" "Fuck no, I was too busy drinking cough syrup at the Pottery Barn!"
by Hit you with a brick April 29, 2019
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Used to describe a night out either before going out or the morning after, usually when events of great hilarity are anticipated or have occured. Not to be confused with setting off explosives.
Male 1 - Hey bro, you coming out tonight?

Male 2 - Nah man. I've got no money.

Male 1 - Well I've got a whole bottle of vodka so I'm pretty sure I'll be blowing shit up tonight.

Male 2 - Fuck it, I'll be 10 minutes.

Male 1 - Rough night last night.

Male 2 - Yeah man, I feel like dick.

Male 1 - Do you remember getting naked and trying to take a shit on a roundabout?

Male 2 - Shit man, I have no idea. Really?

Male 1 - Yeah, I took a photo. We really blew shit up last night.

Male 2 - Awesome. Where did all these roadsigns come from?
by Rossoun April 16, 2010
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(1) An unusual act or series of abnormal actions that a person under the influence of marijuana would perform.
(2) Doing or saying something stupid and/or completely out of the norm, whether it be at the wrong time, wrong place: acting out; inappropriate
Me: Yo, I gotta walk my cat cause he was barking at the broom, but that's only when the squirrels walk to school. So I told the man holding milky notebooks that if my bathroom rejuvenates then I'll have a good amount of super glue in my wallet; all from my giraffe eating the neighbor's lawn chair
Friend: Bro, you on blowed shit, cause none of that made sense
by DrummaKing December 10, 2017
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The phenomena of aroma shock when blowing your nose post-poop while still sitting on the shitter.
I had a cold and a took nasty burrito shit. I blew my nose, and the sudden Shit 'n Blow Nasal Shock almost knocked me off the toilet.
by Everleigh1 November 20, 2016
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When a person loses their temper at you and just starts accusing you
We’re good most of the time until she blows shits.
by Battered man June 6, 2024
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