
A booming industrial and financial city in southern China, close to Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Was a sleepy fishing village at the turn of last century, and is now home to around 4,000,000 people. Known for its tremendous growth as a Special Economic Zone and for skyscrapers that are even gaudier than Hong Kong's.
Man, that new office tower that they're building in Midtown is TOTALLY Shenzhen.
by Groodle May 9, 2005
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A city in this seemingly strange place called China that is growing far faster than your economy.
"My parents forgot how to use proper grammar along with other dumbasses of their generation so now we hand carve Mickey Mouse figurines out of our bedroom and answer help calls from Shenzhen for Xing Chai Wireless from our kitchen."
by Luciano January 16, 2004
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spirit (someone) away to Shenzhen, China by underhanded means and detain the person, stripped of legal rights, indefinitely
12 Hong Kong activists have been shenzhened for two months and the free world is doing everything possible to save them.
by John Wick Parabellum October 22, 2020
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Shitty chinese engineering. Use it when talking about those badly made fake electronics made in China.

Named after a city in China, called Shenzhen, known for producing electronics (both good and bad).
Example: Look at the shenzheneering on this thing, it looks just about ready to fall apart.
by NitroX72 June 24, 2010
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Shenzhen Special

A Shenzhen Special is any cheap, Chinese electrical gadget designed to 'emulate' the expensive, brand-name original.

However, being cheap and poorly made, the device will either have limited functionality compared to the original, or will fail to work after a short time. But you get what you pay for.

The name is derived from the city in China where most of this sort of crap is made.
"Nah, it's not a real iPhone, it's just a Shenzhen Special. I only paid $30 for it though."

"Can it make calls?"

"Er, no"

"And now it's on fire..."
by Icedvovo46 March 13, 2009
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Shenzhen Showbag

A Shenzhen Showbag is a bag full of Shenzhen Specials.

Various 'Deal a Day' web sites around the world will offer a 'Bag of Crap' or a 'Bag of Pooki' every now and then, which is basically stuff they had left in the warehouse and need to shift to make way for more Shenzhen Specials.

Typically you'll pay $30 for a Shenzhen Showbag which probably has a real value of maybe $5.

"Whadya get in ya Shenzhen Showbag?"

"Um, a USB hub, a USB vibrator and a USB "How to USB' guide-book on USB."

"Whadya gonna do with it all?"

"Give it to you for Xmas.."
by Icedvovo46 March 14, 2009
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Shenzhen Switcheroo

When you order electronics of some description from China but receive a vastly different looking device which nonetheless appears to be the exact same item. Often these are gray-market, recycled, or disguised genuine items. They may also be functional counterfeits sold under another name locally but under their original name to foreigners.
My new charger says it was made by Aggle in Californib. Might have been the old Shenzhen Switcheroo.
by wumpology February 14, 2024
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