sednas are known for there beautiful smiles, they are so pretty, the whole school has a crush on them.
sednas can also sometimes be very emotional, sednas are most likely to be super popular.
they are really good in bed, aswell as in kisses.
sednas don't date people so often, she only dates people she like.
sednas mostly goes for looks.
oh no!, that boy is so lucky, he is dating sedna.
he is so lucky, wish she dated me...
by sara musa February 14, 2022
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1. The Inuit goddess of the sea
2. The Tenth Planet/Astroid in orbit of Sol.
by frost March 15, 2004
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Sedna is a dwarf planet that was discovered in 2003. It has an extremely eccentric (elongated) orbit that can take it super far away from the sun.
Sedna has an orbit of about 11,000 years compared to Earth's 365 days
by Ryan_the_retard November 12, 2022
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