1) A person who makes loud noises, particularly during either sex or physical exercise.

2) A flash program with a massive shift in volume. It will usually start up low so you have to put your speakers up, then will emit a loud 'scream' literally out of nowhere.
1) I had to put a pillow on her head to keep her from waking up her parents, she was such a screamer.

2) That flash program which plays the song really low backwards is a screamer.
by The Sub February 18, 2005
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A scary practical joke where the victim watches a video.
They watch THE VIDEO.
So, they are forced to watch the whole video, when suddenly, a loud scream with a scary image pops up on the victim. The victim is now scared.
Jim: i just watched a video. but a screamer popped up! AAAAAAHHHHH!11!11!!SHIFT+1!!!11
by u2dvdbono September 6, 2010
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A sudden jumpscare that features a loud scream and a scary image. Usually found in youtube videos and flash games. They are ment to prank the person by starting off the video or game really quiet forcing the player to turn up the volume. then a really loud scream plays to startle the player.
Examples of screamers include:
A commericial where a car drives down a road with soothing music playing, then a zombie pops up and screams loudly.
A maze flash game where the player has to move his mouse through a small pathway. Once the player is closed to the end, a scream is played.
Matthew: Oh man, I played the maze game yesterday and was terrified of the screamer.
Adam: Same man. I had nightmares for a week. Screamers suck!
by Iceman356 October 10, 2019
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One who screams during climax of sexual or anal intercourse.
Teri-Lynn is my favourite, because she's a screamer!
by Sean@BrockU November 10, 2006
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1)The video jump-scares popularized by Liquid Generation's "Sabotage" videos years before there was a Youtube.

2)Reaction Videos posted by easily excitable/scared teen LetsPlayers whom sequel like pigs all the way through them.
When the producer of the Creepy Gaming series promised he would not use screamers in his videos, he was assuring his audience that they would be assaulted by neither jumpscares nor the consistent irritating baby noises that were synonymous with Creepypasta Lets Plays or such reaction videos on Youtube.
by ThatEvilRedhead December 15, 2013
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When you eat something spicy the night before, your rectum experiences a burning sensation while crapping...
I ate some HOT buffalo wings last night that were delicious, but I am not sure if they were worth having the screamers at work today.
by i work with fools March 18, 2005
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What happens the day afte drrinking Gennesee Cream Ale. Diahrrhea.
by know the toe September 20, 2003
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