When you're lazily scrolling through Instagram, you're scramming.

Scrolling + gramming = scramming
D: Whatcha doing?

B: Nothing really... just scrolling through Instagram.
D: Ah gotcha, you're just scramming.
by The Bambino624 October 28, 2019
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Going out drinking when everyone else is cramming for an exam or having to work the next day.
That guy was scramming till 6am.
by turbo911 July 1, 2011
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To leave in a hurry; also used as an imperative command meaning 'go away'.
1) We had to scram when the cops showed up.

2) Why are you trespassing on my property? SCRAM!!!
by VAKI5 May 11, 2005
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a bridgeport term of a hoe or a girl that is for everybody.
" yo bro i got you the hook up"
" you know that laila girl from PT?"
"FUCK NAH shorty is a Scram"
by Jaliahmarie June 17, 2019
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Known as scram or royal Scram, This white powder drug sometimes mistaken for cocaine is made from baking powder.

You can snort,inject or drink Scram.
This drug is majoritly sold in Irish schools.
Lets snort scram
by Territorial bitching December 14, 2017
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welsh for a scratch. but not any old scratch, its a bitchy, lashing-out type scratch. Or a scratch that gets you serveral times in one go.
'Ah crap I scrammed my leg on that bramble' or 'the bitch scrammed my face'
by Lucy November 9, 2003
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Some who you dont really fool with and is a lame basically.
Question: Yo can I borrow a dollar?

Answer: Where I know you from scrams get outta here.
by Trey Savage January 20, 2010
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