
To specifically smoke marijuana.

Used to differentiate between smoking tobacco and marijuana.
"Wanna go schmoke right now?" -Eric

"Nah bro, do I look illegal to you?" -You
by Eel Cire January 26, 2014
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The act of getting your penis sucked by a girl
Yoo I just got schmoked by my girlfriend’s sister !!!
by basicbren April 4, 2018
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To go for a brief smoke of marijuana, commonly used when smoking out of a one-hitter/dugout or other small piece.
Matt: Yo bro, let's go for a schmoke.
Ricardo: I got 5's
by Slaiest. March 27, 2017
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to smoke a large cuban cigar and pretend that you are dutch
i would very much enjoy schmoking that pancake
by lion777 June 11, 2003
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And then we schmoked so much shit, I was totally stoned.
by Swineohnine November 9, 2009
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1. Hilarious word used by the 1950s greasers and even some under-educated contemporaries in a failed bid to use diversity when describing a cigarette.
1. Hey fellas', let's light up a schmoke!

2. Oi blad your sister gonna get us any schmokes?
by Definitely not McGee August 26, 2008
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King Schmoke Schmoke

A person who never shares a dart. Doesn’t belong in Riff Boys, maybe fits in Hills Boys tho.
Roll us one King Schmoke Schmoke?”

Anton: “...”
by Pizzaboy696969 April 26, 2019
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