
Another word for a downy rage or flipping out.
Bro I get it you're a downy, dont mean you need to schiz over everything.
by Schizo fritzo October 25, 2017
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(pronounced SKITS)

n. crystal methamphetamine.

v. to use crystal methamphetamine

v. to be under the influence of crystal methamphetamine
We should get some schiz.

Yeah, I'll schiz with you guys tonight.

I'm already schizzing.
by Chantelle August 30, 2005
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a scale. it's origins are the same as the word "hizzy" when refering to a house. i don't know.
i eye'd it out cause i left my schizzy at my bud's house.
by mothmonsterman November 5, 2004
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schiz bits

and exclamation of frustration or suprise. a milder replacement of the 's' bomb.
You got and F. "Aw, schiz bits!!"

Someone put and icecube down your shirt. "Holy schiz bits!!!"
by demonlove April 18, 2009
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