Russian Bride

A Person (usually female) who sells herself via the internet to anyone willing 2 buy.
They are usually looking 2 the get into a more developed country.

A comment about someones foreign spouse, Mail order bride
OMG man ur wife is like a fucking russian bride...!!!!!!!
by JimmmyD January 1, 2009
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Hot Russian Brides

The widest array of the most sought-after, intoxicating women in the world at your fingertips.

The first-class worldliness of Russian and Ukrainian beauties, coupled with their desire for lasting love, is a rare luxury that you can afford.

Hot Russian Brides will awaken your heart.
I found lasting love on Hot Russian Brides.
by UpLift September 1, 2016
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Hot Russian Brides

Where beauty meets the beast.

A tantalizing gathering of luscious Eastern European femininity found living in cyberspace. Women of all ages, preferences as well as intent; each looking to share a happy ending with that special someone.
by Lukeenluv June 19, 2016
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russian mail order bride

little russian female whores with bug eyes that use males for their money and dont really love them.
they are only in the relationship for security, gifts, and sex.
sometimes the russian even wishes the male that "purchased" her is someone else and tries to change him into who she wants him to be.
Dude! I found this hot russian mail order bride looking girl, shes so hot! She even picks out my clothes for me and makes me buy her things. She must love me!
by Trampy Tina October 24, 2006
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When you raise capital in an investment fund to acquire multiple Russian mail-order bride platforms. This is done so that the investor controls the supply chain of connecting beautiful Russian women and rich white men.

Conspiracy theorists state that this is how the Russian government blackmails powerful politicians and businessmen. There have not yet been any recorded cases of Russian mail-order brides blackmailing their rich, powerful husbands.
Person A - Hey are you still planning on going through that Russian mail-order bride consolidation play?
Person B - Ya, we raise $100 Million to acquire the top 20 online platforms. We will own over 90% of the market in the next two years!
by iMonkeyBIZ February 9, 2020
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