Rob a bank

cockney ryhming slang ( rob a bank = have a wank )
( robbed a bank = had a wank )
( robbing a bank = having a wank )
Boy (on the phone to a girl ) : ryt im goin to rob a bank

girl : ok hav fun
by matthew david quick April 8, 2008
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Rob the Bank

A sexual term meaning to have violent dangerous and quick sex with someone,usually out of the blue.Not to be confused with rape,but its pretty close;although willing.
"Help their robbing the bank!"
"Ill rob the bank..."
by slyver September 27, 2009
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Robbing the Bank

When you pull a simple ATM transfer (ass to mouth) using one girls ass and another girls mouth, without telling the other girl where your dick previously was. The ultimate ATM combo
Female: Eww your dick smells like ass

Male: Thats right bitch, im robbing the bank. Now shut up and lick that shit clean
by vnvxvnv February 24, 2010
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rob a bank

cockney ryming slang ( rob a bank = have a wank )
( robbing a bank = having a wank)
( robbed a bank = had a wank )
boy: =(on the phone to girl) ( im going to rob a bank )

girl : ok have fun
by matthew david quick April 8, 2008
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rob a bank

cockney ryming slang ( rob a bank = have a wank )
(robbing a bank = having a wank )
(robbed a bank = had a wank )
boy; (on the phone to girl) im going to rob a bank

girl; ok have fun
by matthew david quick April 8, 2008
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Rob The Bank

To meet a girl, and have sex with her that same day.
Sometimes in terms of rape, or close to it.
Or could be a one night stand, and both male and female wanted the sex. Yet, the guy's intentions were to hit it then quit it.
Some boy I met at the club robbed my bank (rob the bank) last night. Fuck, I didn't even get his number to call him back for a second date. Mother fucker.
by DamnIt69 May 11, 2010
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National Rob banks day

Define: National rob the bank day is about robbing the bank near you on November the 13

National Rob Banks day was declared reasonable by Bob
by HAHAHA...LOL November 13, 2019
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