To have a strong desire to do something.
A more vulgar synonym used today is "hard-on"
I had a rhoni for some pizza.
by Shawn January 4, 2004
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A non-binary person who is lactose intolerant but eats too much cheese anyway.
“I’ll have the cheese pizza, extra mozzarella.”

“Aren’t they lactose intolerant? They’re such a Rhonie.”
by soybeantheotter February 13, 2022
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Major cleavage, like not just the crease, but to the point where not only is it almost busting out of a small shirt, but to where her bra looks as if it were struggling to support such delicate creatures.

Nipple Erections are a major plus
Jared, why were you staring at that chicks Rhoni?

Oh I see why!

Dude! those were like D's!
by Balls Lover April 28, 2009
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Sheep molesting, farm inhabiting, fanny hoor.
"We dont sell thrush cream in a newsagents dear."
by Rossko May 10, 2005
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Rhonie is a kind human and you need to get you one
I have a rhonie and I’m happy
by Rhobony123 August 26, 2023
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