Rediets are sweet and funny. They are always obsessed with some kind of singer or music group. They love eating healthy things like salad and exercising and doing yoga. They binge watch youtube or netflix. They are always willing to try something new.
Wow, that girl looks so healthy and fit. She must be a Rediet.
by xXDaisyyXx May 3, 2020
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Rediet is such a nice and funny girl, and is awesome. her hair is so frizzy and great. She loves to eat salad and lettuce. She also loves cereal. Most of the time, she eats cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don't get on her badside cause she will eat you like she eats her salad. Rediet can be said as Ready Yet, or Ready ate. Rediet's glasses make her not blind, but if you steal them, she is completely blind.
Oh, shit, I forgot my salad!

Just go get some from Rediet!
by qwert003 November 5, 2018
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Rediet is a fine women who is attractive and very intelligent. This person is probably the only one that gets attention in every room they get into. This person lives a very luxurious life and is very giving , but don’t get on their bad side because they will ruin your life!
Hey bro who is that fine ass woman? She must be a rediet.”
by Syloucious November 22, 2021
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Computa nerd- jk red this is ariane in case you haven't guessed yet. Actually you might never see this........
To the point:

A Rediet is a computer nerd, who likes salad
Did you see that rediet, he was making out with his salad...
by Ariane:-D April 9, 2010
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A computer nerd that loves lettuce salad(consists entirely of lettuce) drenched in salad dressing.
"Hey bro, check that girl... she be taking out all them tomatoes out that salad that girls such a Rediet"
"Hmmm, I see a computer and lettuce....there must be a Rediet around"
by IndigoEverglade November 5, 2011
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