An abbreviation for Readhead mondays or Red Hair Mondays.
Used on IMGUR, usually as an excuse to post attractive females with red hair.
Used on IMGUR, usually as an excuse to post attractive females with red hair.
by fourJan August 3, 2016
That chick is a RHM.....
by WTF UB March 31, 2008
Get the RHM mug.
by Lootfroop August 16, 2008
The person whom has the unbelievable talent of touching a person she spends anywhere from 30 seconds to a few hours. A sensation of inner warmth, care, genuine happiness tends to follow. This person is great at volleyball but outrightly horrible at parallel parking.
RHM spoke with someone and they were then happy. RHM parked shittily with her tiny easy to park car.
by Ats October 7, 2012
short for rogersherr middle school ,the whackest school ever. full of two-faced bitches , sluts , hoes and even worst bitchy teachers. it has a language arts teacher name Eric Zeigler who is a stupid transvestite nigga. It has the whackest school colors ever: baby blue and white! LOSERS!
by u dont know me and ya neva will! January 2, 2008
Rocky heights middle school is the most terrible place on earth when you walk through the front doors you are entering the gets of hell. It's full of white rich kids who are always on some type of drug and none of them and good when high. It's a feeder school to crack canyon a place full of juul pods and suicidal children. but remember all that great stuff starts at good old rocky heights.
by Mrpeepeethepedophile October 24, 2018