The act of shitting in your partner's hands and then molding it into a puck-like shape. The event is ending by the couple eating said "fudge-pucks" with great zeal.
Dude... I hope she didn't eat any corn today, chewy fudge-pucks are gross.
by aintnobumblebee January 16, 2011
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Stupid ass hockey players who get absolutely no coochie
Your friend aleks is a puck fuck why’s he sitting in a corner alone
by TheGooseGod August 8, 2021
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Little timid, but insanely funny and sweet person when you get to know her. Always open to talk and help. Kinda cool person tBH
Person A: Gosh diddly darn it, I don't feel very well.

Person B: Oh jeez, maybe you should talk to Puck, just being in her presence makes me feel better.
by Makker man neefje November 22, 2021
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A disgusting being abandoned by the world and all concepts which align with a good in some way. Some say it's the manifestation of evil itself displaying gross amounts of depravity, all actions stemming from extreme malicious intent and a distinct lack of any form of intelligence. It takes joy in people's pain to an unsettling degree and will try it's best to ruin any semblance of a life you had. Puck is known as one of the meanest beings to ever exist.
by GayFurby January 11, 2022
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A amazing dog that loves everything and everyone that he meets. He loves food VERY much
by Natasha2203 July 20, 2019
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The greatest friend one could ever ask for. She's not your average hipster. She's got great personality and a disturbing, yet funny sense of humour. She's crazy but the good kind, the person that would defenitely dress up as a sloth for prom kind of crazy but that's okay because she'd rock it.
She's pucking amazing. - She's such a Puck!
by ImTotallyNotPuck April 18, 2017
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A small bluetooth-enabled GPS reciever used to enable otherwise non-location-aware bluetooth-enabled devices (such as cellular phones) to be location-aware.
I bought a puck for my Blackberry Pearl so I can use Google Maps!
by L-geek November 11, 2008
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