The result of two steps in a process, the second of which is a mystery. A meme that comes from South Park.
by Sissy;; January 20, 2009
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Profit is neither deserved nor earned, it is the 'surplus' falsely created by under-compensating the worker and over-charging the customer.
In other words: the spoils of cheating, taking more than your fairly earned share.
In other words: the spoils of cheating, taking more than your fairly earned share.
by Owl eyes May 5, 2022
She was totally annoying, but the violent break up was worth the profit, which i use to masturbate often.
by Judy Millz December 8, 2010
It has the same meaning as profit, to gain from, with its use intended for dramatic flair. Quoted from Preach, part of the Youtube channel Aba & Preach.
When a person puts you in the Friendzone because it's convenient, they profitate from your being in the Friendzone.
by kameHouse May 12, 2020
Guy1: Dude, that girl has so many guys in the friendzone doing shit for her to get some and she totally knows it.
Guy2: What did you expect man? She profitates off that shit.
Guy2: What did you expect man? She profitates off that shit.
by Insigniarum May 12, 2020
The result of a step-by-step combining of a defined action and ?. Originated from a South Park episode "Underpants Gnomes"
by Gerinych January 5, 2008