by Kitty7292 May 24, 2005
prince of darkness is the title triumphed by satan after his fall from the divine grace of God.
Moreover, during night-time, evil is raw and darkness is a symbol of loneliness, vaguness, obscurity and horror so all that are kindda essences of the satan.
Beware of The darkness.....
Moreover, during night-time, evil is raw and darkness is a symbol of loneliness, vaguness, obscurity and horror so all that are kindda essences of the satan.
Beware of The darkness.....
"It was The prince of darkness who persuaded Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad."
by HajreAswad August 2, 2006
Someone equally fictitious as Santa and God, this alleged entity holds appeal for hicks, evangelists and pierced-teen fantasies (and all the while you were wondering what they have in common). Also alleged is that he is a fallen angel, but sources can never tell how he fell, from where, and did he take any para-legal action immediately afterwards? In case he did, who was his lawyer? I'd want to avoid the lawyer who can't get anything better than hell in compensation.
by Lanark February 3, 2005
"Don't tell me what to do,I'm the the Prince of Fucking Darkness!"
by Joseph Awesome April 27, 2007
If ever their was a figure like Ozzy Osbourne from Wales or Germany, he would be the One, the prince of darkness himself. He's certainly not the anti Ozzy.
by The Original Agahnim December 29, 2022