Poppt Rocket

When the youtuber poppt1 hits a ok thunder on his opponent in super smash bro ultimate
Oh my god the Foward air into the Poppt Rocket
by FreezingFallout May 17, 2021
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Poppt handshake

Fighters t-bagging at the start of a match and then jabbing each other once in the middle of the stage in Super Smash bros. games as a respectful greeting. Made popular by Australian youtuber Poppt1.
Opponent: *t-bags*
Poppt1: "Poppt handshake?" *t-bags back*
Opponent: *jabs*
Poppt1: *jabs back*
by Naakka April 20, 2022
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Poppt culture

calling something bad good and over do the same joke 300 times
-Yo rascim good
-i see you are assimilated to poppt culture
by Yurei🥖 July 8, 2021
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A word used for someone tremendously ugly
" damn janae you Poppt af "
by Killthecops1111 February 5, 2016
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