Short for Point of Existence. A mod for Battlefield Vietnam which is good but is held back from reaching it greatness due to the complete crappy engine of Battlefield Vietnam.

Based on a war between Russia and the United States that takes place in Sudan and Kenya.
"PoE v.2 was released TODAY! Go check it out!"
by Coke December 15, 2004
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Poe from Kung Fu Panda and is the ultimate being, he is black so he can say the "n-word," he is white so he can be a dumbass, and he Asian so he can watch a lot of anime without being a dweeb.
There is only 1 Poe tho...
by NuclearReactor October 24, 2019
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an extremely talented female singer from the mid-nineties to the present. Her brother Mark wrote the book, "House of Leaves."
Poe's second album, Haunted, is superior to Hello.
by B to the R April 23, 2004
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1.Poe = A very atractive person. (fit,bum,sexy,poe.)

2.Poe = Pussy All Over. (Puff,wimp,chicken,scardey cat.)
"Aw! She is well poe!"

Or, " But I'm to scared!"

"You're poe! I sware down!"
by Spankzie July 20, 2009
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1. An atrocious insult meaning everything nasty that was ever said or thought
2. A self centered turd
3. A bit worse than a french person
Person A: "You are a Poe!"
Person B: "I will go cry now!"
by Anonymous May 28, 2003
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a fat, obese person, used as an insult.
Jody kept on being called a poe so she threw up her dinner.
by ggggggggg February 27, 2005
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