
A common misspelling of the word "plague" usually used by people who are either too ignorant to know the difference or by people who became too eager to type the letter "u" that they accidentally misspelled plague.
He was overly stimulated by the thought of typing the letter 'u' that he wrote plauge instead of plague.

The Black Plague: a historical event in which many people died of an infectious illness carried by rats. The Black Plague has nothing to do with far as I know.
by pseudonym_can_be_blank November 21, 2013
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(plawsh) also (Plawj), n. An epidemic that kills people with little sign or symptons before the disease becomes lethal.
Anthrax, is considered to be a plauge by many because in the period in which it can be treated, it appears only as a common cold.
by Bizzoris March 10, 2006
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A substitute for the term fuck;commonly used around elders to avoid trouble.
Dude shut the plaug up!
by Ianicakes June 29, 2010
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Boobonic Plauge

When a woman of low morals goes and gets three or four breast implants in a row. Considered distasteful.
Looks like Pamela Anderson's got that Boobonic Plauge...
Yeah, and she's Canadian!
by Marty Potter August 14, 2005
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Black Plauge

When a female (of non-African origin) is avidly attracted to males of the black persuasion.
Ugh, Amanda has caught the Black Plauge! Hopefully it's just a phase....
by PJoH7 July 25, 2012
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Lesbionic Plauge

The disease that converts women into Lesbians and men into women and the Lesbians. Scientific name is the M1N93 Virus.
The Lesbionic Plauge is sweeping across Europe and will soon reach the USA.
by Capper August 15, 2006
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the Black Plauge

in walks a throwed nigga, and everyone says "yo somebody get the black plauge out a heyre"
by Jamofo August 24, 2003
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