
PeriodT end of discussion it’s set in stone

You have probably heard it on tiktok if so you already no
Girls are not objects PeriodT.
by Kalyssa lande September 17, 2020
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Some ghettobl shit good bitches say
Yasssss Periodt sisssss
by January 22, 2022
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An alternative to the use of the word period. Another word yet again stolen from the black community and gentrified.
I don't like potato salad of any kind, periodt.
by apparentwhitesavior July 13, 2020
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agreeing with someone 😝
your my bestfriend periodt •
by lengcheng August 23, 2019
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A word k-pop stans use to mean yes, or truthful. Most people that use this word will try and tell you to kill yourself if you don't like kpop, so beware.
"omg spill queen yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas periodt slayfuck incels killyourself incel
by bAAAtteries March 27, 2021
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The act of one (or more) female(s) sucking on eachothers roastbeef mud flaps.
Female 1: “periodt
Female 2: “she has roast beef mudflaps
by AMOS: itsmoron20 January 21, 2022
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An ending of a sentence. A "case closed" but in one word.
Janice: Gurl, if he can't support himself, how can he support me?

Tasha: He can't. And that's on periodt.
by Pookers. December 14, 2023
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