
Last night i was doing A paranormal investigation at the Local grave yard

When i encountered a spirit who wished to have parasex with me,
Needless to say it was one of the most wild paranormal sexual encounters i had ever experienced.
by muoss July 12, 2019
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Para role-playing involving sex.
Boy: Don't tempt me!
by Hollis Hydeman July 1, 2010
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To have chromosomes of a gender yet being of the opposite gender.
“She has a parasex and doctors don't exactly know what she is.”
by August 14, 2024
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parasex error

When your judgement of a person is distorted because you're having sex with them and view them from a different angle. Like parallax error - but with sex.
"She is a 10!"
"ehh.. sounds like parasex error to me"
by theejudge August 2, 2015
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