When your leg or arm gets all numb and its hurts to move it. It also feels tingly and eventually goes away in a couple of minutes
by Ziyon August 23, 2008
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When you are incredibly thirsty, pouring yourself a drink from a larger container (milk gallon) and then immediately drinking, and not relinquishing your hold on the aforementioned container.
I wanted the milk, but Billy had Milk Paralysis, so I had to wait. Then I kicked his ass.
by Xexeter August 19, 2009
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eg. ahh i cant think right now, ive got dickhead paralysis. it only happens when im around dickhead's
by braddles April 10, 2014
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when you can't seem to make any progress on your w.i.p. because your standards exceed your current skill level.
artist; i know this one part on this drawing doesn't look right, but nothing i try makes it look better, and i feel like i can't move on to other projects until i do.

friend; sounds like you got a bad case of perfection paralysis, my friend. you should find a different way to do it that's more familiar, or buckle down and do some studies, then come back to it. or, y'know, just accept it's not gonna be perfect and finish it anyway. maybe you can re-do it in a couple years to show how you've improved.
by AlphaGodith January 10, 2022
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A chronic motor neuron condition typified by persons exiting the subway and suddenly freezing in their tracks while staring at their phones until achieving a GPS lock on their location.
I nearly tripped over this guy in full hipster paralysis on my way over here.
by Noumenontreal August 2, 2013
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When you cannot get up because your cat is on your lap.
I was late for work because i had pussy paralysis.
by Junebug333 August 11, 2019
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When you become too nervous to pee during a drug test. Can be caused by fear of testing positive or just plain situational discomfort.
Man, with the inspector standing right there, I got serious urinalysis paralysis.
by Hoser2 March 2, 2018
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