P Danny

A sex act involving the insertion of vintage action figures up the rectum (preferably 5.5" Masters of the Universe) during intercourse.

Revealed to be the preferred act of intimacy of toy reporter and influencer "Pixel Dan" in an interview with toy designer Brian Flynn, of Super7
"Do I want the P Danny, or just the regular? Dawg, let's live dangerously and take a Skeletor up the bot-bot"
by ToyDawg April 18, 2020
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Danny P

Danny P is a young song artist. He makes songs about the worst game, fortnite. The most popular being "the fortnite anthem" the whole song is trash. Along with his channel
Friend : Have you heard the new Danny P song?

by Aidiot April 29, 2020
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danny p

A danny p is usually a cum filled ornament that one shoves up another persons anal canal or gives to a relative as a gift (Birthday, wedding, funeral etc)
Oh shit Jamal, I seem to have forgotten to bring the danny p for grandma. She'll go tits.
by Ramonial crumb July 29, 2017
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Danny P.

The most wonderful soul to ever exist and my soul mate.
Yo dude I'm tired of all these hoes, I want a Danny P.
by doobapsan February 19, 2022
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Danny P

A sick rapper that makes the best songs like his hit song Fortnite
Danny P is so cool
by AsstetyB November 18, 2019
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Danny P

It's your boy Danny playing solo, ay!
You know who's getting also those vicroys!
Fortnite! Fortnite!
What's the point of building forts you're goin' nite, nite!
Fortnite! Fortnite!
What's the point of building forts you're goin' nite, nite!
John Wick comin' with the V Bucks
Ask Mommy for the Visa (Skrrrr, skrrrrr)
Choppin' trees Mickey D's Shooting Spree Ali-A
and you see me and you freeze
Drop a knee, join my team
10 damage, that's a bug bite!
50 damage... You aight'!
100 damage... Get some minis!
200 damage! Gimme the loot, gimme the loot
Fortnite! Fortnite!
What's the point of building forts you're goin' nite, nite
Fortnite! Fortnite!
What's the point of building forts you're goin' nite, nite
I'm gonna bounce and blast you off this tire
Your Mom's armpits smell like a moisty mire!
Get some slurp juice, get some slurp slurp
When you hurt you'll be crawlin' in the dirt, dirt
Hey hater, get on the elevator
Press L cause you're goin' to the lobby
I'm trappin' everywhere, you're trapped under there
150 damage in your underwear... (skrrrr, skrrr)
Fortnite! Fortnite!
What's the point of building forts you're goin' nite, nite
Fortnite! Fortnite!
What's the point of building forts you're goin' nite, nite
Fortnite! Fortnite!
What's the point of building forts
you're goin' nite, nite (nite, nite)
Fortnite! Fortnite!
What's the point of building forts you're goin' nite, nite
-Danny P is my favorit utuber And Rapper
by Minecrafter69_420 November 4, 2019
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Danny P

A child who has severe brain damage. He makes “music” but it is about a autistic kids favorite game fortnite.
Yo! I’m danny p
Stfu you autistic incel
by Fortnite is dog water June 29, 2021
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