A sweet hearted and funny boy who will always be there for you no matter what. He gets really horny sometimes but it's nothing you can't handle. He loves to tease you and fw you but it's all good fun. He's the best thing that will ever happen to you and once you have him, never let go.
Osiris is my bae
by March 12, 2022
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The Destiny 2 competitive game mode in which the goal is to go flawless for 7 god awful matches. Unfortunately your teammates push by themselves while the enemy uses main ingredient and adored, inducing a fiery rage only found in hell.
by FaZeBooty April 2, 2022
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why are you regularly mentioning the space probe OSIRIS-REx in a conversation
why do you need this definition
Person 1: OSIRIS-REx is currently flying back to earth to return samples from the asteroid named Bennu
Person 2: what the fuck
by snazzy ostrich September 26, 2022
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why are you mentioning the space probe OSIRIS-REx regularly in conversation
like seriously why
Person 1: did you hear about the OSIRIS-REx mission to the asteroid named Bennu
Person 2: what the fuck
by snazzy ostrich September 25, 2022
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Person "The Son of Osiris is almost as powerful as STALIN HIMUSELUFU"

You "KU-RU"
by takuman July 27, 2010
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Da ancient Egyptian god who invented da first mechanical farming-machinery.
Da concept and process of growing/harvesting food-crops was very important to da ancient Egyptians, so it's no wonder dat dey revered and worshiped da god Osiris McCormick above all da others, since he provided easier means of agriculture through mechanization.
by QuacksO October 8, 2019
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