"On the real"

An attempt to segue from a state of joyous ROFL to one a bit more serious, with a hint of IRL connotation
"...LOLZ, george washington was the man...

but OTR, what are we doing for New Year's?"
by lingeringlogic December 30, 2009
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On the road.... when you can no longer text because you are driving .
I am OTR.
by ppattibpatt March 5, 2015
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She is OTR permanently.
by Andy July 22, 2003
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Off The Radar. When some-one turns off their mobile, laptop etc. To ensure that they are not contacted.
Person 1 " I couldn't get hold of you on your mobile at the weekend"

Person 2 " Yea I know, I didn't want my ex to call. So I went OTR."
by Mini Ritz January 21, 2011
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a brand of german markers designed for writing grattiti with broad tips and super permanent ink

abbreviation for "on the run"
man my new OTR flows like your moms period
by ca11_to_arms October 12, 2006
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Shorthand for "On The Reg". Something that happens on a regular basis.
I used to mbate OTR now I just do it on special occasions.
by ksmattp June 3, 2011
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Old Time Radio.

Old Time Radio is a nickname for the popular radio entertainments that began broadcasting in the early 1920s and continued through until the early 1960s.

The most famous Old Time Radio broadcast is Orson Welles' Mercury Theatre broadcast of "The War of the Worlds."

While people continue to listen to radio drama, also known as audio drama, which is also produced today by modern performers for radio, podcasts and audio discs, OTR refers specifically to the old-style broadcasts created in the past.
I love OTR, especially shows like "Jack Benny," "X Minus 1" and "Dragnet" - they still sound good after all these years!

Have you heard that "Red Panda" podcast, the one that Roger Ebert mentioned in his column, and it won those awards -- it's kind of done in an OTR style, isn't it?
by NoirDame.com December 29, 2011
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