A word used to describe snack foods.
I'm hungry, I need some "Num Nums."
by Jesse Bier July 15, 2003
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Food,Snack anything that is pleasing to ones mouth.
Scotty- Dude im hungry
Pedro- Yea for real, lets get some serious num nums
by qu1ckdr4w February 19, 2008
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some good ass food, snack or treats
-guess what?
- what?
-nigha im eating some num nums.
-what kind?
by Tw Rokz February 11, 2010
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Refers to snacks;most notably cookies, preferrably chips ahoy or keeblers. Are commonly consumed along with a beverage, most notably water(poland spring or dasani will do just fine). Num Nums are not your average, run of the mill snack, and shall in no instances be confused with "munchies". Num Nums are often used as a way to escape terrible moments in life(ie fires, bad break ups, double periods of science lab classes,encounters with the "wrong crowd"). Num Nums are not for everyone. Woman are only allowed to have num nums on there birthday; sambos are only allowed to have num nums if it means havig the stregnth to save a non sambo
Person 1: Yo son, I dont know if I'm going to make it, you gotta help me!

Person 2: I know, you should head off and get some num nums!

(15 minutes later)

Person 2: SO how are you feeling?

Person1 : Well, I'm all good now. I had my num num's and water. And on the way here, I got my nuts wet and beat a sambo!

Person 2: Well there you have it! num Nums save the day yet again!again
by annonymous Sambo April 11, 2008
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To express delight at particuarly delicious food, when no other words seem to be enough to descride just how much you are enjoying it.
Person: let's eat our food
Person2: yes
*munch munch*
Person: num num num num num
Person2: Yes it is delicious isn't it
by numnumnum March 4, 2007
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word for use to annoy people when said repeatedly.very fun for boring days with a friend
bob-num num num num......
tallon-quit it dude!
bob-num num num num
tallon-DUDE! QUIT!!!
by redhelmet96 December 11, 2008
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