The name for that one small nugget of shit that has some yellow stuff t in it, and a bit of red.
by Ilovebrohan2212 February 26, 2024
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Used when someone is acting so sus that you want to eat them.
Dad: Son what are you doing?
Son: I'm just being a little Sus right now.
Dad: Ohh you little Sus Nugget!
by SheeshBoi73 January 15, 2024
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One that is a bimbo basically stupid, dumb, a gold digger at some points who looks like a chicken nugget
Oh my that girl is such a bimbo nugget for screwing around with that guy!
by Ang ang January 31, 2017
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Someone who is salty about everything and must shut the fuck up.
Shut up you prune nugget you suck at jokes and are annoying bitch.
by Prune nugget lord February 26, 2021
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