A human who does not understand the same thinks that memers, otakus, and weebs understand.
One who thinks Uganda knuckles memes are still funny

Also, a "normal" person
Normie:yo, that red thing is so funny, it's all like "do u know we wae:
Me:that meme died 5 months ago!
Normie:no, it's a good meme
by Nust a but June 2, 2018
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Someone who is seemingly a clone of everyone else.

People who refuse to go outside the norms of society and live seemingly arbitrary and simple lives.
Person A: "Nah, dude.., I don't really like that hardcore stuff."

Person B: "Can you stop being such a normie for once in your life, Dylan? You're such a fucking normie, I can't with you."
by Knewest July 22, 2022
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a person who enjoys sports, and believes everything, and everyone else is trash.
a person who enjoys sports, and believes everything, and everyone else is trash.

person1: hey have you watched that one anime.....
normie1: ewwwwwwwwww, you watch anime. your probably gay too. because that also sucks. oh, bet your a furry as well, those things are weird....
by hi, yes, hello, i'm me September 26, 2019
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A person who is civilized cough cough not a furry cough cough and actually tries acting like a normal person unlike the one's on tik tok and everywhere else
Thank God your a normie like everyone else that's normal
by Jimmynono December 24, 2018
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I like watching barstool sports and the bachelor because I am a Normie. The corona virus might cancel the NCAA tournament oh nooo, what will me and my normie friends do??
by Normie2228 March 10, 2020
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