When you ride a bike with no hands and a handful of clout and swag
Ayo there goes Mari the no handed bandit
by Howwr October 27, 2020
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When a male is so good at the fornication, that he is able to undo the female's pants and his own with one hand, thus being able to still grope and cop a feel with the spare hand.
"Mr. Gossett was such a good lay that he could undo my jeans while fondling my booby at the same time!...Magical."
by Allison J December 9, 2004
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an incredibly rare type of woman, who is able to give a man a handjob with her hands behind her back.

she steals your orgasm with her hands behind her back.
Jill & I took a bath together & she ended up giving me a handjob with her hands behind her back. I had NO idea she was a backwards hand bandit. SWEET.
by dirtyhairy August 5, 2007
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A girl who gives a hand job with each hand simultaneously, in the center of a couch or in the back seat of a car with a man on either side is the common place for this activity.
Two guys one girl in the backseat of a taxi the Two handed Bandit in the center to pay her fee.
by SPCtacular April 5, 2010
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A woman with only one available hand that works as a hairdresser. You often feel overwhelmed with fear that she'll do a crappy job, and frankly it ruins your day.
Jon: Hey Bill! How'd you like your haircut?
Bill: I dunno Jon, I had the damn one handed bandit working today...
Jon: Fuck...
by Bulletmunchr November 18, 2007
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Someone who jerks off with their left hand.
Im kinda ambidextrous like Im a lefty but I'm not a left handed bandit.
by Killarank July 11, 2017
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Someone who fingers a girl while she is on her period. So named because of the resulting blood covered hand.
Person 1 - So, I was fingering the girl last night and turns out she was totally on the rag.

Person 2 - Gross, guess you're a red handed bandit now!
by crazyblazn August 5, 2010
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