A phrase given by women who just don't want to sleep with ugly men but want to label them something because everyone needs a label. It's not good enough that you are the nicest person they ever met. They have a preconceived opinion of who you are and that is the nice guy who does things for them and gets used. You are being used by your female friend. If you try to be a jerk because she likes jerks and she only wants to date jerks, she will stop talking to you because she doesn't think of you as a jerk. You are her security. You are her beta male who gives her things and she needs you to survive yet she is going to have sex with the biker dude who doesn't care about her. They are going to have lots of sex while you sit at home fantasizing about your dream girl. The truth is that she is never going to talk to you in a sexual or romantic manner unless she can get something from you. Do not give her money. The rude, selfish women you are attracted to just don't care about how nice you are. Being a nice person will pay off in the long run but do not wear your heart on your sleeve. Make the girl work for your attention and affection. If she doesn't care about you that way then she never will. Don't waste your time on someone who doesn't care if you are nice to them. Talk to that nice girl who keeps looking at you, but is too shy to say hi. Really a shame that nice guy syndrome has replaced the whole concept of being a nice guy. Basically you are being used. Stop being used.
Wow that girl is totally taking advantage of how nice that guy is by making him buy stuff for her! She must think he has nice guy syndrome or is really, really desperate for a girlfriend and is totally using him!
by FilmGuy2000 December 5, 2017
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When a male is too nice and the girl is unattracted to him because they are mostly attracted to douchbags who treat women like shit
Female: I like him but he has nice guy syndrome

Male: At least he isn't a dick to you
by Paul Revere*%* October 20, 2015
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A nice guy is an informal term for an often young adult male who portrays himself with characteristics such as being gentle, compassionate, sensitive and vulnerable.The term is used both positively and negatively. When used positively, and particularly when used as a preference or description by someone else, it is intended to imply a male who puts the needs of others before his own, avoids confrontations, does favors, gives emotional support, tries to stay out of trouble, and generally acts nicely towards others. In the context of a relationship, it may also refer to traits of honesty, loyalty, romanticism, courtesy, and respect. When used negatively, a nice guy implies a male who is unassertive, does not express his true feelings and, in the context of dating in which the term is often used, dishonestly uses acts of ostensible friendship and basic social etiquette with the unstated aim of progressing to a romantic or sexual relationship.
nice guy syndrome: in the early 90s I had a crisis. I was about two years into my second marriage. I thought I had found the woman of my dreams. Yet I was frequently frustrated and resentful toward the woman I loved.
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 1, 2019
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A guy who goes out of his way to prove his “niceness” to the world but is really just an asshole who cannot handle being told “no” or being rejected in any way shape of form
Guy: I’m such a nice guy you should give me a chance

Girl: no thanks I’m good

Guy: fine you deserve to die bitch! I hope you suffer endlessly I’m too good for you! You don’t deserve my love!
Girl to their friend: wow he gives off nice guy syndrome
by The trvth August 15, 2021
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A disease in which a socially awkward, unattractive, and hygenicly-repulsive male with a terrible personality feels victimized by women when they don't want to date him. Said male comes to believe all women are 'sluts' who want or deserve to be raped and killed, or, in its milder form, spawns the evil known as 'pick up artists'. It has no known cure.
No, he's just having a flareup of his Nice Guy syndrome.
by saraiya April 13, 2011
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An exasperating social condition. Archetypically, the sufferer is a straight male with lots of female friends, but who cannot get a date or get laid to save his life. This is because every woman he meets, he befriends, and then when he tries to advance out of the 'friend zone' into 'boyfriend territory', he gets a speech to the effect of "I can't sleep with you, you're such a good friend, I don't want to risk our friendship". Typically, the rejecting female friend will then date/fuck other men who are total douchebags, then bitch and moan about them at length to their platonic male friends. Chances are, most of these platonic male friends are either gay, or straight and secretly furious that that mongoloid cracker homunculus fuck gets to fuck her, when he is clearly inferior in every way.
"I have lots of hot female friends, and none of them like me 'that way'. I have nice guy syndrome and I'm not even all that nice."
by Danny Delinquent December 30, 2004
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A disease flooding younger adults who compel them to be complete and utter assholes to women because the aren’t interested and don’t know how to let the guy down gently
Person 1. Man, I heard that Chad has a case of nice guy syndrome

Person 2: well, that’s no surprise
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