FLEE • NA • sir

redneck/hillbilly boot licker. Your homophobic uncle from the south, also white country singers. Anyone with a southern accent, who you can’t really tell if they believe in human rights. Most Floridians, and Texans (who aren’t from Austin). Not every southern person is a Flea Nasser, but every Flea Nasser is southern.
Friend A: Have you seen the country music awards?
Friend B: Hell no, im not watching those goddamned Flea Nasser’s.
Person A: omg Trenton texted me

Person B: oh hell no, he’s a Flea Nasser
by OppositeOfFleaNasser April 4, 2022
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His father was the Antiochian Village camp director from 1997-2006. Tough shadow to live under
Josh Nasser: hey guys...
Literally everyone: Wow Josh thanks for telling us again how your dad was the camp director
by Amashni September 4, 2018
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1)n. The true Mac C. Ain't nobody touch his game.

2)n. A ruthless drug trafficker that insists upon using violence as means to silience his oppostion.

3)adj. A person who enjoys fruitcake with lemons.
1) I thought I was a pimp in my tricked Civic, but then I saw Joe Nasser roll by in his six fo.

2) I'm going to pull a Joe Nasser and burn your house down, while you're sleeping inside motherfucker.

3) Dan: I've never seen someone eat so much fruitcake with lemons, I'm amazed he hasn't puked.

Chris: Damn man, whatta Joe Naz.
by Sean Karabekir April 21, 2005
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Nassers dick is so small when he tries to fuck the woman says 'have you started?'
When he gets a boner it is still as small as a sperm cell when he masturbates he uses his toenails
He is as bad at fortnite as he is at having sex with women Nassers dick
by XA Farts February 26, 2019
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When you eat your nans shit out of her asshole after committing tax fraud
"I heard daunte just did a dirty nasser"
by Sidy_widdy September 11, 2021
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