A girl that you like, do/buy things for, yet aren't officially dating due to a variety of reasons including, but not limited to:
1. One set of parents forbids dating. 2. You want to avoid the drama that comes along with dating. 3. If one of your/her exes finds out, you/she is gunna get they butt kicked.
Guy 1: "Dude your girlfriend is Hot!"
Guy 2: "No man she's my "not girlfriend," Her Mom would kill me if she found out we're dating."
by Who-Di-Freaking-Yah April 7, 2009
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When a guy has a female friend whom he buys things for, takes out on dates, drives places, etc, yet the girl insists she is not his girlfriend (and, of course, does not put out).
If a guy takes a girl to a fancy dinner for her birthday (just the two of them), gets her a pricy gift, and is told how great a friend he is: She's his not girlfriend.
by Mr Dee December 20, 2007
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something that you'll never have if you keep looking on this site.
Andrew: "Hey, did you hear about Anthony getting a girlfriend?
Tyler: "What the fuck is a girlfriend"
by Quack3rs November 1, 2019
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me: don't have a girlfriend

you: that is very true :(
by Coronatime.com/yourdad March 17, 2021
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mystical creature whose known powers range from clairvoyancy to being able to bleed for a week without dying. a person to have on your side.
by xaeneta July 28, 2003
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