The pressing of buttons to quickly swap your weapon in call of duty. Also used in trickshots
I just nac swapped to my L96A1 then billed the kid across the map
by Ishmeow? January 5, 2015
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Something exclusive to call of duty and gmod, where you press Y at a certain point in an animation and it changes weapon instantly, it can be done with many different things and requires very fast timing to get them consistently. Unless it is a Moni NAC.
"Wow, did you see that tag NAC swap prodan hit on derail in Despize cams 47?"
"Yeah that was ok but I am better"-Cedar
by NACCER March 3, 2015
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A nac swap is used in the franchise Call of Duty to either switch weapons quick or use it for trickshots.
What is a Nac Swap?
You have to reload your call of duty gun and at a specific time you will switch weapons instantly.
People do it in midair for trickshotting.
Yo No way!
I just Nac Swapped my spaz all the way to red roof.
Nac Swap
by zLuca May 6, 2023
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