Phrase used as a verb. The use of mammals of the family Ursidae, (commonly known as bears) to cause a person death through violent acts primarily directed towards the face.
"Have you heard what happened to Sally?" "Yeah. Tragic. I heard she got murdered in the face with bears."
by KilleR R0b0T February 16, 2010
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1. to kill you.
2. or to hurt your face real bad.
often used as a threat or description.
1. Motherfucker, if you don't put down the lung, I'll murder your face!
2. I was in the club and smashed a motherfucker's head down on a martini glass. Man, you murdered his face!!
by zen December 4, 2004
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1. a snotty, little twit that is afraid of a little hard work and fails to pay attention in class

2. a horribly inept and undisciplined student of martial arts

3. a martial arts student that quits when more is expected of them
A murder face will never be able to fight and will never achieve greatness because all they know is how to quit.
by rositasrq March 18, 2009
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When your natural resting expression appears so angry that people who do not know you, and even those who do at times, believe you may soon murder someone. Typically for men. Derivative of resting bitch face in women.
Girl 1: Why does Bryan look like he's going to kill that kid?

Girl 2: Oh he's ok, he just has resting murder face. He isn't actually angry at all. He's probably pondering football schedules.
by Errkah November 11, 2013
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When your natural resting expression appears so angry that people who do not know you, and even those who do at times, believe you may soon murder someone. Typically for men. Derivative of resting bitch face in women.
Varsha: Why does Yumin always look like he's ready to murder everyone all the time forever?

Will: Yea, he's got chronic resting murder face. The doctor's say it's incurable.
by screascrewyouletmepostthis April 12, 2017
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Use this word when you have a concern for your safety
I don't want to be murdered in the face while visiting Tacoma Wa

Someone might murder me in the face, while I am in Seattle Wa
by jrwwoollff August 23, 2019
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