The richest, fanciest, whitest, clasist, neighbourhood in all of Kansas. Built by republicans for republicans. Full of huge masions that basically resemble versaille. The people who live in them are completely out of touch with the common man, and their cops are total assholes.
Joe: So, what ever happened to the American middle class?
Jenny: Ask the people who live in Mission Hills.
Jenny: Ask the people who live in Mission Hills.
by UN~MUDO~POCO August 29, 2016
by J79P July 26, 2006
A great and funny show that is better than Family Guy and South Park. It was replaced by Pee Wee Freakin Herman. This show should be put back on the air.
Mission Hill> South Park
by Rotten Core515 August 24, 2006
by Alan Lam August 24, 2003
Get the Mission Hill mug.
A badass show they used to put on Adult Swim until those FUCKIN' BASTARDS replaced it with Pee Wee Fuckin' Herman, who wuz replaced with a whole lot of other shit I don't wanna talk about. So there. Adult Swim got rid of the one thing that gave me something to do @ 12:30am Alaska time! Just cuz they're obviously racist against Mexicans!
by I forgot it January 14, 2007
When having aggressive cowgirl sex, and the woman cuts a long bubbly fart on the man’s ball bag, creating the sound of a motorboat taking off from shore. Often times caused by pre-game Asada Fries and initiated by a twist of the niplets.
Bro #1: “Hey how was your date with the girl from Florianos?”
Bro #2: “No Bueno, she tirado in pedo on my huevos rancheros”
Bro #1: “The Mission Hills Motorboat!”
Bro #2: “No Bueno, she tirado in pedo on my huevos rancheros”
Bro #1: “The Mission Hills Motorboat!”
by Gaysofthunder69 February 22, 2021