Mercury Poisoning

Being afflicted with the AIDS virus, otherwise known as "Arse-Injected-Death-Syndrome". Named in tribute to Freddy Mercury (Aka - Farrouk Bulsara) who died from the disease still rocking the mic to the very end.
"Mrs. thompson, I'm afraid after young Jimmy was kidnapped and found 3 days later in the woods, we ran some routine tests on him. And it seems he has acute Mercury Poisoning... Oh stop fucking crying, can't you see I'm Hungover?"

"Hey Tom, man you look great! You lost a ton of weight. How did you do it?" "Well Sam, I shared a needle in a squat a few weeks back and now I got Mercury Poisoning. I won't lie, it kinda rocks!"
by Poppa Boogaloo August 19, 2011
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Mercury poisoning

The correct name for the disease casually known as "AIDS".
Thanks to Freddie Mercury, AIDS will forever be known as Mercury poisoning.
by SeattleJQueen April 3, 2009
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A slang term for AIDS. Also a word play of Freddie Mercury's name, who tragically died of AIDS.
He looks very sick, it could be Freddie Mercury Poisoning
by Beric February 28, 2014
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Freddy Mercury Poisoning

Kyle: Dam dude did you hear Ethan died of Freddy mercury poisoning?
Ben: No, I thought he just had HIV
by bigbirdisfaster April 11, 2019
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Freddie Mercury poisoning is a sexually transmittable contagious virus also known as HIV, that can lead to AIDS.

Freddie Mercury Poisoning is interchangeable for either HIV or AIDS.
The term is derived from the musician, lead singer of the band Queen, Freddie Mercury and his passing due to complications of having AIDS. Since HIV can become AIDS It is included in what Freddie Mercury Poisoning is.

Other related words:
Skinny, ninja, silent killer, prison plague, human immuno virus, and aquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Man I heard Charlie Sheen got Freddie Mercury Poisoning!

Man: Doc I been feeling kinda off lately almost like I have the flu.

Doctor: Well we can run some blood tests and take a few swabs and see if anything comes from it.

-Sometime later-
Doctor: So the tests have come back and... you have Freddie Mercury Poisoning.

Man: Wait what? Freddie Mercury died of.... Ah shit!!
by Fredrick Quicksilver December 24, 2018
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