Weird girl from IWA who’s in love with JETT. She lives in Bellaire but wishes she lives in LGS pants
Girl: “Do you know Avery McClure”
Girl #2: “Yes she’s like dating JETT from Lamar
by CandyCame January 19, 2022
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1. (noun) A giant, Grade A douche canoe notorious for doing outrageous acts that demeans one’s self.

2. (verb) The act of doing outrageous acts that demeans one’s self

3. (pronoun) A giant, Grade A douche canoe notorious for doing outrageous acts that demeans one’s self who identifies as a giant, Grade A douche canoe notorious for doing outrageous acts that demeans one’s self.
Me: Hey do you know Jeff McClure?
Liam: You mean that giant asshole who dressed in a giant dick costume and walked across the college campus that time??
Me: Yeah that douche canoe who identifies as himself.
Liam: He should’ve been swallowed!!
by TheManicHispanicMexicutioner September 18, 2023
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HOT and cool aka cadens bbg
livy mcclure is taken
by imbetterthanyousooooosuckit December 10, 2021
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