the maximum vomcano experience.
the most amount of sick that could ever, ever be expelled from the body.
the most amount of sick that could ever, ever be expelled from the body.
oh my god did you see that maxi vom?! he just chundered all over her! it was the most sick i've ever seen.
by Looley Fazakerkoo June 21, 2010
Probably the biggest savage you will ever meet, hes gotta sling so he pulls endless tang. Maxy B is a man for the people and will save your life one day.#juulgang#slingsgetbitches#mckennasabitch
by Maxy B January 4, 2018
when your girlfriend notices you peed on the seat again and she smears a smiley face (out of anger) on the mirror with her bloody maxy pad
by CoochyHeadNigga August 13, 2011