by Tenth Doctor January 19, 2015
by smashaduck May 5, 2010
Slang term for testicles as coined by Fez from the Ron and Fez show, XM 202 Sirius 197, Monday - Friday 11a to 3p
by fletcherbv November 4, 2010
by C. Styles November 4, 2010
Guido-type jacked guy who walks around with him arms extended and fists clenched like he is carrying invisible luggage. Usually found on a beach.
by the franciscan friar October 8, 2013
by Lil’ Marco December 23, 2018
That guy at the airport who goes through all of your neatly folded luggage and throws it all back wrinkled and unfolded.
by SoDangles April 5, 2009