An abbreviation that stands for "Last Minute Resistance": a woman's last minute objection to sexual intercourse. This term is used almost exclusively by rapists who don't believe themselves to be rapists (or just don't care).
Charlie: Laura gave me a little LMR, but I just went ahead and fucked her anyway.
Sam: You what?
Charlie: Pounded the shit out of her, dude.
Sam: And that felt and consensual to you?
Charlie: Yeah, of course. I'm not a fucking rapist, man. This girl was totally down. She just froze up for a second and pulled away. LMR happens. Once I started fucking her, she was totally fine.
Sam: Charlie...that's rape. You literally just described rape.
Sam: You what?
Charlie: Pounded the shit out of her, dude.
Sam: And that felt and consensual to you?
Charlie: Yeah, of course. I'm not a fucking rapist, man. This girl was totally down. She just froze up for a second and pulled away. LMR happens. Once I started fucking her, she was totally fine.
Sam: Charlie...that's rape. You literally just described rape.
by prldfad March 10, 2017
by ShiddedandFarddedandPeed September 4, 2018
by Spankeh himself April 7, 2004
by Person in the right mind March 15, 2018
by suspendedreason May 19, 2022
by marialmog April 8, 2020