An abbreviation that stands for "Last Minute Resistance": a woman's last minute objection to sexual intercourse. This term is used almost exclusively by rapists who don't believe themselves to be rapists (or just don't care).
Charlie: Laura gave me a little LMR, but I just went ahead and fucked her anyway.
Sam: You what?
Charlie: Pounded the shit out of her, dude.
Sam: And that felt like...cool and consensual to you?
Charlie: Yeah, of course. I'm not a fucking rapist, man. This girl was totally down. She just froze up for a second and pulled away. LMR happens. Once I started fucking her, she was totally fine.
Sam: Charlie...that's rape. You literally just described rape.
by prldfad March 10, 2017
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Opposed to popular belief LMR stands for “Lick My Rod” not “Like My Recent”.
Guy 1: Hey do you think that chick was hot?
Guy 2: No but I’d totally let her LMR.
by ShiddedandFarddedandPeed September 4, 2018
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Short for 'lamer'. One who is lame.

<Kai> lmr
by CC June 23, 2003
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a multiplayer clan made up by IRL friends
*lmrs_SpankyEgg has joined the game*
lmrs_SpankyEgg: hi all
Evryone else: NOOO!!! NOT THE LMRS!
by Spankeh himself April 7, 2004
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guy: lmr
girl: I've been waiting to lick your ronnie
by Person in the right mind March 15, 2018
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Land mobile radio system. Responsible for taking out your favorite pirate stream.
<FlappyTurtle69> LMRS!!
<MikalJail> smh stream down, dam LMRS
by suspendedreason May 19, 2022
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Short for Let me read. Used when someone sends you a long text message.
*Person A: *sends a long message
Person B: lmr
by marialmog April 8, 2020
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